To find a WordPress RSS feed, simply add /feed to the end of the URL; e.g.,
I do this any time I visit a website that I'd like an RSS feed for—it almost always works.
If it doesn't work, here are a few tricks for finding RSS feeds on other sites.
If a site is hosted on Tumblr, add /rss to the end of the URL. Like this:
If a site is hosted on Blogger, add feeds/posts/default to the end of the URL. Like this:
If a publication is hosted on Medium, add /feed/ before the publication's name. So becomes
Find an RSS Feed for Any Site by Checking the Source Code:
Did none of the above tricks work? You can try finding an RSS feed by checking a web page's source code. Don't panic! It's easier than it sounds.
Right-click an empty space on the website you'd like an RSS feed for, then click View Page Source (the exact wording may vary depending on your browser).
Now search the code by pressing Ctrl+F (Windows, Linux) or command+F (Mac). Start by searching for rss
If searching for RSS doesn't work, try atom instead.
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