Required Role: Social Manager
Go to Social (Left Nav) -> Manage Accounts (Top Nav) -> Add Social Network

Connect: Use this to link new account.
Reconnect: Use this when password or role of user is changed.
Remove: Use this when the linked page is no longer required.
Click on Connect to link you Facebook Page or Twitter handle with M360 publishing app. Your linked social accounts will be listed on the dashboard. Only one Facebook page and one twitter handle can be added.

- Auto publishing
- FBIA configuration
Twitter auto publishing can be enabled/ disabled directly via dashboard.
To enable facebook autopublishing and configure FBIA feed, click on Configure

- Enable/ disable auto publish
- Enable FBIA to generate feed which can be integrated with your FBIA account
- Enable Related Articles to add Related articles widget at the bottom of instant article
Configure Ads for your instant articles
Facebook Ads: Replace PLACEMENT_ID with your Audience Network Placement ID
<figure class="op-ad"><iframe width="300" height="250" style="border:0; margin:0;" src=""></iframe> </figure>
Colombia Ads: Replace ADUNIT_ID with adunit ID of Colombia Ads, Also, replace "yourdomain" in src with your website' domain.
<figure class="op-ad"><iframe><script src='https://yourdomain/static/ctn/commons/js/colombia_v11.js'></script><div data-position="1" data-slot="ADUNIT_ID" data-section="home" class="colombia" id="FBIA Colombia" name="" style="margin:0 auto"></div></iframe></figure>
FBIA allows two types of Ad Placements
- Automatic Placement
Use Default input box for it's configuration
- Manual Placement
Enter your adcode paragraph-wise for fixed position of ads.
In case, ads are placed too frequently, Facebook publishing tools starts giving warning.

Single Ad
<figure class="op-ad"><iframe><script src=''></script><div data-position="3529631" data-slot="352963" data-section="home" class="colombia lhs" id="FBIA Colombia" name="" style="margin:0 auto"></div></iframe></figure>
Multiple Ads
<section class="op-ad-template">
<figure class="op-ad"><iframe><script src=''></script><div data-position="1" data-slot="123456" data-section="home" class="colombia" id="FBIA Colombia" name="" style="margin:0 auto"></div></iframe></figure>
<figure class="op-ad"><iframe width="300" height="250" style="border:0; margin:0;" src=""></iframe> </figure>
<figure class="op-ad op-ad-default"><iframe width="300" height="250" style="border:0; margin:0;" src=""></iframe> </figure>
Also check, common issues with autoposting.